

  • 2021年3月5日
  • 2021年3月5日
  • K-POP
  • 543view
On 24 September 2018 at the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) in New York, Kim Nam known as RM, a member of a global pop group BTS who are UNICEF supporters, speaks at the launch of Generation Unlimited at Youth 2030, a High-Level event at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, which opened on 18 September at UNHQ. Seated on the far left in the background is UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore. In September 2018, the world stands at the brink of defining demographic changes. More than 1.8 billion adolescents and young people ages 10-24 are poised to assume leadership roles in families, workplaces and communities. Nearly 60 per cent of them live in low-income and lower-middle-income countries many of which struggle to provide basic services and opportunities. By 2030, there will be nearly 2 billion young people aged 10 to 24, over 65 per cent will be 15 to 24. This significant population of young people, must learn to deal with a very different world, and can offer an unprecedented opportunity to improve lives, nations and economies. In countries where the working-age population grows larger than the dependent population, there is a potential for demographic dividend. When this large working-age population is constructively employed, overall productivity rises, standards of living improve and investment in human capital increases. With education, skills and empowerment, young people can make the most of their talents and potential and contribute to the peace and prosperity of their communities. A changing global economy is putting onus on them to acquire skills aligned with dynamic labour needs at a time when many education systems are struggling to deliver better learning outcomes. These skills are also in transition, as digitalisation and technological change makes many jobs vulnerable to automation, while at the same time creating new opportunities for those with adaptable knowledge and skills.


【2021年3月5日 ソウル、ニューヨーク発】
ユニセフ(国連児童基金)は本日、BTSならびにBTSが所属する韓国のBig Hit Entertainment社(以下、BHE社)と締結しているグローバル・パートナーシップの継続について、メッセージ動画を公開しました。

グラミー賞ノミネートグループのBTS とBHE社は、2017年から「LOVE MYSELF (私自身をまず愛そう)」キャンペーンを通じて、ユニセフの「ENDviolence(暴力をなくそう)」キャンペーンをサポートしています。

本日公開の動画でBTSは、BHE社とともに、子どもや若者に対するあらゆる形態の暴力やネグレクトの撲滅と、子どもや若者が自尊心を持って幸福に生きられることを促進するために、「LOVE MYSELF」キャンペーンの継続を通して、これからもユニセフと協力して取り組んでいくことを約束しました。  

グローバル・パートナーシップ継続の一環として、BTSとBHE社は、「LOVE MYSELF」キャンペーンに関連した商品およびアルバム「LOVE YOURSELF」の販売利益から100万米ドル以上をユニセフに寄付します。 

Video stills: BTS and Big Hit renew commitment to “LOVE MYSELF” campaign to support UNICEF in ending violence and neglect as well as promoting self-esteem and well-being

BTSメンバーのRMさんは、「小さな歩みから始まった「LOVE MYSELF」キャンペーンが、より大きなパートナーシップになっていることに、非常に感動し、感謝しています。 私たちも、“LOVE MYSELF”、つまり自分自身を愛することに努めてきました。そして私たちは、チームとして、また一人ひとりの個人としても、成長したと思います」と語りました。 


On 24 September 2018 at the United Nations Headquarters, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore UNICEF stands with UNICEF supporters BTS, a global pop group, in advance of the launch of Generation Unlimited at Youth 2030, a High-Level event at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, which opened on 18 September at UNHQ. From left to right: j-hope, Jin, Jungkook, RM, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore, V, Suga and Jimin. In September 2018, the world stands at the brink of defining demographic changes. More than 1.8 billion adolescents and young people ages 10-24 are poised to assume leadership roles in families, workplaces and communities. Nearly 60 per cent of them live in low-income and lower-middle-income countries many of which struggle to provide basic services and opportunities. By 2030, there will be nearly 2 billion young people aged 10 to 24, over 65 per cent will be 15 to 24. This significant population of young people, must learn to deal with a very different world, and can offer an unprecedented opportunity to improve lives, nations and economies. In countries where the working-age population grows larger than the dependent population, there is a potential for demographic dividend. When this large working-age population is constructively employed, overall productivity rises, standards of living improve and investment in human capital increases. With education, skills and empowerment, young people can make the most of their talents and potential and contribute to the peace and prosperity of their communities. A changing global economy is putting onus on them to acquire skills aligned with dynamic labour needs at a time when many education systems are struggling to deliver better learning outcomes. These skills are also in transition, as digitalisation and technological change makes many jobs vulnerable to automation, while at the same time creating new opportunities for those with adaptable knowledge and skills.

ユニセフ事務局長のヘンリエッタ・フォアは、「COVID-19は、私たち皆の、そして特に子どもたちや若者たちの生活や情緒的幸福に、大きなダメージを与えています。BTSのみなさんは、音楽やメッセージを通して、『あなたは一人ではありません。 今は誰にとっても困難な時期です。愛と優しさをもてれば、私たちは一緒に乗り越えることができます。』と世界中の人々に伝えています。パートナーシップが新たなステージへと動き出した今、私たちは共に、より優しく、より安全で、よりつながれる世界を再び創っていくことに、全力を注ぎます」と述べています。 

BTSとBHE社による「LOVE MYSELF」キャンペーンは、子どもや若者に対するあらゆる形態の暴力を撲滅することを目指すユニセフの活動支援するため、2017年以来、世界中で298万米ドルを調達し、世界中の若者が自分の経験について語れるようにサポートしてきました。 

2018年9月24日、ユニセフのグローバル・サポーターであるBTSは、ニューヨークの国連本部で、世界中の若者たちに向けて、「自分自身を語ろう」とメッセージをおくった。© UNICEF_UN0237948_Nesbitt
On 24 September 2018 at the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) in New York, global pop group BTS who are UNICEF supporters at the launch of Generation Unlimited at Youth 2030, a High-Level event at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, which opened on 18 September at UNHQ. In September 2018, the world stands at the brink of defining demographic changes. More than 1.8 billion adolescents and young people ages 10-24 are poised to assume leadership roles in families, workplaces and communities. Nearly 60 per cent of them live in low-income and lower-middle-income countries many of which struggle to provide basic services and opportunities. By 2030, there will be nearly 2 billion young people aged 10 to 24, over 65 per cent will be 15 to 24. This significant population of young people, must learn to deal with a very different world, and can offer an unprecedented opportunity to improve lives, nations and economies. In countries where the working-age population grows larger than the dependent population, there is a potential for demographic dividend. When this large working-age population is constructively employed, overall productivity rises, standards of living improve and investment in human capital increases. With education, skills and empowerment, young people can make the most of their talents and potential and contribute to the peace and prosperity of their communities. A changing global economy is putting onus on them to acquire skills aligned with dynamic labour needs at a time when many education systems are struggling to deliver better learning outcomes. These skills are also in transition, as digitalisation and technological change makes many jobs vulnerable to automation, while at the same time creating new opportunities for those with adaptable knowledge and skills.

2018年9月24日、ユニセフのグローバル・サポーターであるBTSは、ニューヨークの国連本部で、世界中の若者たちに向けて、「自分自身を語ろう」とメッセージをおくった。© UNICEF_UN0237948_Nesbittユニセフのグローバル・サポーターであるBTSは、ニューヨークで開催される年次国連総会でスピーチを行いました。そして、「愛と優しさ(love and kindness)」をオンラインでも普段の生活の中でも大切にしようと呼び掛けるユニセフのキャンペーンを支援するために、ミュージックビデオをリリースしました。 世界中で行っているコンサートツアー会場では専用ブースを設け、暴力やいじめから自分自身やお互いを守る方法についての情報を提供しています。 


Video stills: BTS and Big Hit renew commitment to “LOVE MYSELF” campaign to support UNICEF in ending violence and neglect as well as promoting self-esteem and well-being

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■   ユニセフについて

On 24 September 2018 at the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) in New York, (right) global pop group BTS who are UNICEF supporters at the launch of Generation Unlimited at Youth 2030, a High-Level event at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, which opened on 18 September at UNHQ. In September 2018, the world stands at the brink of defining demographic changes. More than 1.8 billion adolescents and young people ages 10-24 are poised to assume leadership roles in families, workplaces and communities. Nearly 60 per cent of them live in low-income and lower-middle-income countries many of which struggle to provide basic services and opportunities. By 2030, there will be nearly 2 billion young people aged 10 to 24, over 65 per cent will be 15 to 24. This significant population of young people, must learn to deal with a very different world, and can offer an unprecedented opportunity to improve lives, nations and economies. In countries where the working-age population grows larger than the dependent population, there is a potential for demographic dividend. When this large working-age population is constructively employed, overall productivity rises, standards of living improve and investment in human capital increases. With education, skills and empowerment, young people can make the most of their talents and potential and contribute to the peace and prosperity of their communities. A changing global economy is putting onus on them to acquire skills aligned with dynamic labour needs at a time when many education systems are struggling to deliver better learning outcomes. These skills are also in transition, as digitalisation and technological change makes many jobs vulnerable to automation, while at the same time creating new opportunities for those with adaptable knowledge and skills.

■   日本ユニセフ協会について
公益財団法人 日本ユニセフ協会は、先進工業国33の国と地域にあるユニセフ国内委員会のひとつで、日本国内において民間として唯一ユニセフを代表する組織として、ユニセフ活動の広報、募金活動、政策提言(アドボカシー)を担っています。(www.unicef.or.jp)


